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Youth Development Program
The Youth Development program initiatives focus on developing essential skills to help youth (14-18) succeed academically and in their future careers while supporting DSquared's causes to assist the homeless population. Participants will develop communication, teamwork, empathy, time and project management skills, creating and managing social media campaigns, and more.
What's different about this program?

Youth 14-18 are eligible for this opportunity; it is not specific to high school seniors!
DSquared incentivizes participation through a point program that allows participants to cash in their annual accrued point balance for a cash value that can be used to cover educational support and learning supply expenses. As participants complete specific volunteer or development activities, they can unlock and earn points, up to a maximum of 750.
Examples of ongoing projects and initiatives participants can take part in include:
Recruit individuals to shop on Amazon Smile, selecting Dsquared as their supporting charity.
Coordinate a community or school donation drive
Fundraiser to support our homeless and mental health-challenged clients